02 July 2007

01July: Yaya Center and the Maasai Market

After leaving the Giraffe Center behind, we went to the Yaya Center. We had planned to go to the Maasai Market on Saturday, only to not go downtown because we thought we had the days wrong. It seems we were wrong about being wrong - the Maasai Market is downtown on Tuesday and Saturday. But on Sunday, the Maasai Market is at the Yaya Center, so off we go.

The Yaya Center is similar to Sarit Center - it is a shopping mall. What you cannot see on the picture is the motto below the word "yaya." It says "y go anywhere else?"

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Though photography is prohibited, I manage to sneak this photograph as we walked around the market. All the sellers thought "ah, mzungu" when Toni or I were approached and their initial prices reflected that assumption. They usually came off the initial price by at least half when Toni would begin haggling with them in kiswahili. One such haggle resulted in a price 1/8th of the original price as quoted.

Haggling is EXPECTED and IMPORTANT to the buyer/seller relationship - and it's fun!

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After all this looking and some haggling, we were feeling a mite peckish.

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