02 July 2007

01July: Lunch and Back Home

After leaving the Maasai Market with our purchases, we decided that a bite to eat was in order.
Toni and I were talking the other day and I had mentioned that I'd like to go back to Adams Arcade to eat sometime - Today is that day.

We arrived about 1330 (01:30 pm).

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The place to eat at Adams Arcade is the Nairobi Java House, so when in Nairobi...

We had eaten here once before and had mexican-style food. The portions were very large, so I had decided to get something different - Toni had decided the same thing...
River had a single cheeseburger & chips and a Chocolate-Banana milkshake.
Forest had a double cheeseburger & chips and a Vanilla milkshake.
Toni had a chicken breast sandwich & chips and a Chocolate-Banana milkshake.
I (Chris, for the folks playing along at home) had a Veggie cheeseburger & chips with a Chocolate-Banana milkshake. The Veggie burger was not like the ones at the grocery store in Alabama, but instead resembled a fried mashed potato pattie with chunks of vegetables in it - VERY TASTY!
By the way, "chips" are the British version of French Fries, not Potato Chips as in America.

If you ever find yourself in Nairobi, go to Adams Arcade and take lunch at the Nairobi Java House. We have before and we will again.

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So you can understand better, an "arcade" in Nairobi would be similar to a shopping center or strip mall in the States. Here is a shot as we were leaving Adams Arcade. The Java House is in the corner at the far end, under the trees.
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After our lunch, we headed back to the apartment.
A wonderful day.... I need a nap.
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