02 July 2007

01July: Giraffe Center for our 14th Anniversary

Today is our (My and Toni's) 14th Anniversary.
Traditionally, the 14th anniversary gift is ivory, but the alternative suggestion to ivory is a Safari in Kenya. Our "safari" is small, but amazing just the same.

Today, we took a trip to the GIRAFFE CENTRE south of Nairobi.

Most of the herd stood way back.
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Three giraffes came up to the platform - a circular building with a porch around the outside, where visitors can feed handfuls of pellets to the giraffes - The large female, Daisy, another female, Lara, and Lara's young son, Gordon, who is 2 and a half years old.

We all really liked feeding the giraffes. Here we took turns feeding Daisy.
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We have many more pictures of our time at Giraffe Center, including the warthogs and closeups of the giraffes showing their blueish-purple tongues as we fed them.

The trip was amazing, topped off by our donation to the center that will enable a boy named Joseph who attends the school for the Deaf to attend a Safari.

Interesting Giraffe Facts:
  • Giraffes are the only mammal that is born with horns.
  • The saliva of a giraffe is an antidote to many leaf poisons, allowing them to feed on a wide variety of leaves

The day is not over yet....

1 comment:

aunttree said...

How great for me that I get to sort of live through your experiences! Daisy is an alpha female after my own heart! I think she and Pinta would get along great!!! Sounds like the best day ever to me!!! Love to all!!! -aunt tree