06 July 2007

Simon has been found!

Simon was the driver and later friend Toni made the last time she was in Nairobi, in 2004. It was with his assistance that her work was finished in the 5 weeks she was here, that she was safe, and that her spirits were kept up.

In the intervening 3 years, Toni had lost contact with Simon - eMail addresses change, phone numbers change, and the postal service is slow. In preparation for this trip, Toni has been trying to contact Simon through his cousin, via postal mail, without success since February 2007. Once we had arrived in Nairobi, on one of our first excursions, we mailed another letter to Simon's cousin - again without effect.

Yesterday, Toni felt something disturbing and decided to not go to work as normal. She was concerned about making more contacts and making the day worthwhile.

Toni reconnected with Humphrey - the person who put her in contact with Simon on her first trip. He gave out Simon's mobile phone number - a number Toni already had, so she continued, for 2 weeks, to try it at various times and days in the hopes of catching Simon when the phone was on.

Yesterday, she contacted Humphrey, and told him that the mobile phone number was not working for her and asked for an alternate contact method.

At this point, we learned later, that though Humphrey was giving out one mobile number, he also had a newer one, because he phoned Simon on it and told him that Toni was looking for him. He told Humphrey, "Give her my number!"

Humphrey gave Toni a newer number and she tried again. Toni phoned, Simon answered and the effect on her mood was dramatic ... in a word - GLEE!

Simon came and visited with us for an hour in the afternoon, but had to return to work. After work, he picked us up and took us to his apartment. We met Simon's wife, Veronica, his beautiful one year old daughter, Linet, Veronica's mother, and their house girl, Francesca. We took tea and biscuits (and ugali and avocado) with Simon and his family, while Linet roamed around the room chattering, dancing, and playing with us and the boys.

After spending a couple of hours visiting, Simon and Veronica drove us back to our apartment about 2330 (11:30 pm). River was exhausted and fell asleep in the van on the way back.

Simon, who drives for BOKO Safaris, is working the rest of the week, but we made plans to meet with him again on Sunday afternoon. We found out that he is in the area of Sarit Center a lot - over the weekend, he was there in an exhibition with some orphans & only yesterday he was visiting a colleague at Kabete Gardens (the complex immediately next door to our apartments - we can see it from our balcony). He and Toni were so near, but just kept missing each other.

After almost 6 weeks getting by without Simon, we have found Toni's and now our friend. Life here feels so much better today than before yesterday.

Simon has been found - and he didn't even know he was lost.

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