25 June 2007

One Month Down

We've been here a month!

We have settled into a daily routine:
  • Toni gets up and readies herself.
  • I get up sometime after she does (usually about 0800) and fix breakfast for the boys.
  • Toni leaves before mid-morning to take matatu to the organization or location where she will do her research.
  • The boys play during the morning while I do research, blog, do housework, laundry, dishes, etc.
  • After I fix lunch for the boys, we go outside in the afternoon to play ball and frisbee.
  • Later in the afternoon, Toni arrives home.
  • I prepare dinner and we eat at the table about 1800 (6:00p).
  • We enjoy each others' company in the evening, Toni reads some in a Harry Potter book, perhaps some TV.
  • The boys go to bed.
  • Toni and I retire near midnight.
Toni discovered that on Tuesdays, the local Pizza Inn restaurant runs a Buy-one-get-one special, so we have pizza on Tuesdays when she gets back early enough to pick it up.

We try to go out, at least, every other weekend to see some of Nairobi.

We, also, walk to the store once or twice a week for groceries and to get out.

We have settled into a life here in Nairobi.

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