26 July 2007

Rumble, Rumble

It has been a week since the Volcano erupted at Ol Doinyo Lengai. We have, in Nairobi, had a few (3-4) very light tremors over the past week. So light that you could only feel them if you were seated, while standing the vibration was undetectable.

The trembling of the earth ended with the mountain's release of tension - until last night.

Magnitude: 5.0
Event: 2007/07/26 21:54:36
Depth (km): 10.0
Location: TANZANIA (110 miles SW of Nairobi, Kenya)

It started off with a light shaking - I was in the kitchen doing the dished and did not notice the light vibration. After a minute of this, however, the apartment shook. The dining table, that has just a bit of wobble in it anyway, rattled and bounced, and River erupted from his bed to seek us out.


We are all fine, but we are really getting tired of all this unsettled earth shaking. We have come to the decision that once back in the States, Californie is NOT the place we ought to be.

1 comment:

aunttree said...

Y'all... I'm thinking there must be more to come. I'm worried about you. Because that's what I do! Just a little plug for the ol' U S of A: Our ground is still...humid, but still...hot as blue blazes, but lava-free. I love y'all so much! : - ))