29 June 2007

Children at Play

Every afternoon, I take the boys outside for some playtime.
Anyone who knows me will know that I rarely go anywhere without a frisbee - Kenya is no exception. We found a couple of cheap soccer balls in Nairobi, so we can not only play in the air, but on the ground.

Thursday was not exception. We try to play outside for at least an hour.
We all feel better after we move a bit.

Forest runs to make the catch!

It is a real challange to have a frisbee tossed to you while you are trying to take a shot.
(I did catch the frisbee, Nice throw, River!)

Forest prepares to make me chase down another ball...

River's fancy footwork.
We try to not only pass the ball, but to concentrate on trying to use our left feet as much as possible.
That way, the less dominate leg and foot can get better.

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